
SoundTrax Recording Studios

302 Jefferson St., Suite 260
Raleigh, North Carolina 27605

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About Us

Member Since 2009 | Views: 2,193

SoundTrax is dedicated to just one thing--excellent sound. We feature a dead-silent custom-built 500 sq. ft. studio, the best in microphones from Neumann, AKG, Sennheiser, and others, a ProTools 12-equipped edit suite, and a total focus on quality audio. We specialize in voice recording, audio post/sound design, sound for video (including 5.1 surround mixing), as well as music recording and vocal tracking. We are Source-Connect-equipped, with legacy ISDN bridging also available. We also have total access to the top stock music libraries, and an extensive collection of sound effects, many custom produced from our over 40 years of working with sound. Check our website to learn more, then give us a call at (919) 832-9953. Conveniently located in Raleigh NC, near Glenwood South and Five Points.

We have been in the industry since 1976.

The Silence of SoundTrax
Added on 6/9/2012
When it comes to a good recording studio, less is more. The studio at SoundTrax in Raleigh NC is much, much less...noisy. A short self-promotional piece we made for our website.

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