Western Studio Services
9175 San Fernando Road
Sun Valley, California 91502
About Us
Member Since 2000 | Views: 1,426
For over 30 years now Western Studio has grown into the premiere trucking and storage company it is today with the industry’s largest fleet of specialty trailers built just to handle scenery. Western Studio is one of the few companies capable of renting specialty single-drop, double-drop and set trailers to not only our competitors but to all the Hollywood film and television studios.
Today, there are 4 warehouses and office buildings on 2 properties in Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley. Western now stores scenery, props, and set dec for every major network and studio in Hollywood. And, with almost 15 acres of property at hand Western can provide secure gated parking for trailers, show vehicles, speciality motor homes, trucks and tractors.
Give us a call 24/7!
We have been in the industry since 1980.