Mixopolis, Inc.

5 E. 47th St., Seventh Floor
New York, New York 10017

Call Us
(212) 223-4524

About Us

Member Since 2005 | Views: 446

An Audio Post Production boutique nestled in an upscale brownstone style building just half a block from Grand Central Terminal.

Within our convenient Midtown Manhattan location, we have two state of the art mixing suites and a custom sound design/music suite. Featuring Dynaudio Air 6, 5.1 surround sound speaker systems, each room is fully equipped with all the latest electronic toys to mold and shape the sonic character of any project.

From voice records to 5.1 mixes, lock to picture, laybacks to all video formats, ISDN connectivity around the globe, ADR sessions, Digital Spot trafficking, Stock Music, Sound Effects, Original music and sound design, Mixopolis provides the right space and the right sound to get your project done.

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