Filmmakers Alliance
1030 W. Hillcrest Blvd.
Inglewood, California 90301
About Us
Member Since 2009 | Views: 1,965
FILMMAKERS ALLIANCE is a community of film artists dedicated to the advancement of true independent film through community action. FA is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization.
FA provides a unique mutual support system through which members share time, energy, expertise, equipment and, most important, creative support for one another's film projects from concept through distribution. We work together to restore humanity, authenticity, diversity, originality, intelligence, relevance, personal vision and emotional resonance to American Cinema.
Started in Los Angeles in 1993 as a collective answer to the practical needs of independent filmmakers, FA has evolved into a multi-layered support organization with an emphasis on aesthetic empowerment. Hundreds of films have been produced through FA and have screened in dozens of major festivals throughout the world.
In 2009, Filmmakers Alliance will launch the global online analogy to the support work we've been doing in Los Angeles. The site will include an expansive menu of project management and development tools, filmmaking resources, key databases, education and connectivity. Basically, it will be one-stop shopping for any filmmaking need that can be answered online.
Your entry ensures that you will be a charter member of this new, empowering, global filmmaking community.