John Ostojic
New Fairfield, Connecticut
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Member Since 2009 | Views: 3,442
John Ostojic
New York, New York, United States
New York 917-495-8610. Croatia+385 97 6207 281
Six time Emmy winner. Highly energetic, driven professional with in-depth experience working on a wide range of
programs that have included dramas, documentaries, music videos, corporate videos, live programs, magazine
shows, interviews, and other shows seen across the US and abroad on major networks that have included ABC,
NBC, CBS, MTV, VH-1, CNN, Discovery, 20th Century Fox, Travel Channel, and PBS.
Director of Photography, Editor
Jul 2017 - Present (6 years 8 months)
Live Boxing events, celebrity profile interviews and various long format documentaries.
Director of Photography
Nov 2013 - Present (10 years 4 months)
Inside Edition CBS Magazine shows, breaking news, entertainment news, red carpet events, celebrity
video. Covered Donald Trump's Presidential Election Campayn 2015-2016
Studio Operations, Director of Photography, Editor
Paramount Pictures
Apr 2015 - Present (8 years 11 months)
Director of Photography on documentaries and magazine shows.
Director of Photography
E! Networks
Mar 2013 - Present (11 years)
Entertainment Red Carpets, exclusive celebrity interviews
Studio Operations, Director of Photography, Editor
Jul 2018 - Present (5 years 8 months)
Corporate video production. Live events, documentaries and promotional educational videos
Studio Operations, Director of Photography, Editor
Aug 2016 - Present (7 years 7 months)
Corporate video production. Live events, documentaries and promotional educational videos
Studio Operations, Director of Photography, Editor
Price Waterhouse Coopers- PwC
Oct 2015 - Present (8 years 5 months)
Corporate video production, Robotic cameras, Directing
Studio Operations, Director of Photography, Editor
Sep 2015 - Present (8 years 6 months)
Corporate Video Production, Documentaries, Live events, Cinematography, Directing, Editing.
Studio Operations, Director of Photography, Editor
Citibank (Banamex USA)
Nov 2013 - Present (10 years 4 months)
Corporate Video Production, Documentaries, Live events, Cinematography, Directing, Editing.
Studio Director, Director of Photography, Editor
Sep 2013 - Present (10 years 6 months)
Corporate video production. Live events, documentaries and promotional educational videos
Studio Operations, Director of Photography, Editor
Bank of America
Sep 2012 - Present (11 years 6 months)
Corporate video production. Live events, documentaries and promotional educational videos.
Studio Operations, Director of Photography, Editor
BNY Mellon
Apr 2012 - Present (11 years 11 months)
Corporate video production. Live events, documentaries and promotional educational videos.
Studio Operations, Director of Photography, Editor
Jul 2010 - Present (13 years 8 months)
Corporate Video Production, Documentaries, Live events, Cinematography, Directing, Editing.
Director of Photography, Director
Guggenheim Productions
Sep 2006 - Present (17 years 6 months)
Fashion shows, commercials, music show, red carpet events, documentaries, celebrity video / photo
Director of Photography, AVID Editor
Warner Bros. Entertainment
Sep 1995 - Present (28 years 6 months)
Entertainment Magazine shows. Interviews with celebrities. Various Music Videos.
Producer, Director of Photography, Avid Editor, Music Composer
Digital Dreams Media Inc.
1997 - Present (27 years)
Digital Dreams Media Inc.
Based in New York, with over 30 years of experience prides itself as a leader in video production. A
full service company with multilingual personnel, providing complete Crew and production services
Digital Dreams Media Inc. offer a wide array of services;,spanning from Directing and Producing camera
packages to multiple camera remotes, audio/sound equipment to full post production. Digital Dreams
Media Inc. provides service to producers, production companies, event planners, hotels, designers,
corporate media and end users.
Digital Dreams Media Inc. is made up of a highly creative team of professionals who pursue the best
quality standards in the industry with shared values and complimentary styles.
Director of Photography, Editor
Video Dimensions Inc.
Mar 2014 - Present (10 years)
E News, Extra TV, BET, HP, Ernst and Young, Getty Images, WireImages, SYFY, ABC, Bright Talk,
Citibank and a variety of other clients. Fashion shows, commercials, red carpet events, documentaries,
celebrity video, corporate video.
Producer, Director of Photography, Editor
Sep 1994 - Present (29 years 6 months)
“The People,” “Gangs,” “The Amazing Stories.” 30 minute Emmy Winner (Children’s Programming).
Senior Editor, Director Of Photography, Director.
Al Jazeera Media Network
Sep 2006 - Nov 2007 (1 year 3 months)
“Open Dialogue” one hour live show.
Senior Producer, FCP Editor, Director of Photography
New York Power Authority
Aug 1993 - Nov 2007 (14 years 4 months)
Corporate video production. New York State government contract. Production of corporate,
documentaries, broadcast and theatrical videos.
Subjects: New York State Governor Pataki’s Public Affairs Office, video news releases, corporate, PSA
and documentaries. “Blenheim-Gilboa,” “The Environment,” “Our Mission,” “Niagara Construction,” 90
minute drama “Ethics,” etc.
Director of Photography, Avid Editor, Director.
Discovery Inc
Sep 2001 - Nov 2002 (1 year 3 months)
Documentaries and profile movies.“Secrets of New York” 10 magazine shows
Video On-Line Editor, Director of Photography.
Sep 1995 - Dec 2001 (6 years 4 months)
Weekly fashion magazine shows.
Director of Photography, Editor, Director.
Travel Channel International
Sep 2000 - Nov 2001 (1 year 3 months)
“Secrets of New York” 10 magazine shows.
Producer, Video Editor.
Food Network
Feb 2000 - Nov 2000 (10 months)
“Celebrity Dish.” Subjects: Mandy Patinkin, Roma Downy & Star Jones.
Senior On-Line Editor, Technical Director.
Apr 1994 - Sep 1998 (4 years 6 months)
Contributed to the launch of the new FX Network. Helped in installing the on-line room (Sony Digital).
Worked on live shows: “Breakfast Time” hosted by Tom Bergeron, “Personal Fx,” “Pet Department,”
“BackChat” hosted by Jeff Probst, “Under-scrutiny,” “Sound Fx,” “Home Fx,” promos.
Director of Photography, Editor
Sep 1995 - Jan 1997 (1 year 5 months)
Breaking News, events, documentaries, “Manifesto” pilot program.
Director, Senior Video Editor, Director Of Photography.
USA Studios
Oct 1993 - Dec 1996 (3 years 3 months)
“Fear and Hope in Cambodia” 55 minutes, “Portraits of Age” 30 minute documentaries produced for the
UN. “Pauline Henry” music video for Sony Music UK.
Producer, Director, Senior Video Editor, Director Of Photography & Music
Aug 1993 - Nov 1996 (3 years 4 months)
“Stateside” 16 episodes, magazine show duration 30 minutes. Broadcasted in Ireland and in the US
on PBS. “Super Tuesday” 30 minute documentary. Directed a promo with Denis Leary on the “Conan
O’Brian” NBC live show.
Senior On-Line Editor.
Aug 1994 - Sep 1996 (2 years 2 months)
Video musicians profile segments.Magazine shows.
Producer, Director, Senior Video Editor, Director Of Photography & Music.
1995 - 1995 (less than a year)
Show “In The Mix” PBS. Segment produced in France “Living in Biarritz,” “Behind Bars,” Emmy-winning
documentary. “Teenagers Violence,” special 30 min. documentaries.
Senior On line Editor, Technical Director
1993 - 1995 (2 years)
MTV production. Music Videos and musicians profile segments.
Director, Senior On-Line Editor,Technical Director, Cameraman
Sep 1990 - Dec 1994 (4 years 4 months)
“In The Mix” (national weekly show), “Video Music Box” (daily show), “Heart of the City” hosted by
John F. Kennedy (magazine weekly show), “Human Rights Festival” hosted by Richard Gere, “Impact”
New Yorkers and the Gulf War (magazine weekly show), “VIP” magazine show, Art Spiegelman
documentary about the book “Mause. Technical Director: “Hotline” (weekly live show), “Open
Mind” (weekly live show), “Video Music Box” special. “Critical Condition” (weekly live show).
Senior On-Line Editor, Director of Photography
Pve Entertainment
Sep 1992 - Sep 1994 (2 years 1 month)
“Fashion Quest” 30 minute fashion magazine show.
Producer, Director, Senior Editor, Director Of Photography.
GRS Systems
Jul 1989 - Sep 1992 (3 years 3 months)
“New York City The Big Apple” 30 minute documentary interview with Prime Minister of Italy Gulio
Andreotti, Camila Sadat, Walter Cronkite, ABC TV.
Director of Photography, Senior Editor
American Video Channels Inc.
Mar 1988 - Dec 1990 (2 years 10 months)
CBS “People Magazine on TV,” ZDF German TV, United States Information Agency, Canon USA,
Mexican TV, Japanese TV Fuji Sankey. Subjects: Vice President Dan Quayle, Carly Simon, Mary
Wilson of The Supremes, Eddie Rabbit, artist Mark Kostabi, Henry Kissinger, 200 Year George
Washington Celebration.
The Center for the Media Arts. New York
Major Television Production, Major Television Production
1988 - 1990
Future Media Concepts, New York
Adobe After Effects and Avid editing systems.
1995 - 1996
Sony Digital Systems, New York
Certificate, Studio Television Production
1995 - 1996
9100 Edit Controllers, DME 300/5000, Switcher DVS 8000, Kaleidoscope.
Grass Valley Group. New York
Certificate, Edit Controllers & production switches
1993 - 1993
University of Rijeka, Croatia
Major Telecommunication Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering-Satellite
1983 - 1987
Adobe Premiere Pro • Video Editing • Video Production • Video • Television • Post Production •
Final Cut Pro • Avid Media Composer • Film Production • Cinematography
Honors & Awards
Behind Bars PBS, Emmy Award - PBS
Director Of Photography, Video Editor: Emmy winner for Behind Bars (documentary aired on PBS)
Amazing Stories, Emmy Award - CBS
Director Of Photography: “The Amazing Stories,” a 30-minute children’s show that ran on CBS.
Fear and hope in Cambodia, Emmy Award - United Nations
Aug 1993
Fear and hope in Cambodia. 50 minutes documentary
Depicts the story of Cambodia since the Paris Peace Agreement, climaxing in the elections and the
signing of a new Constitution. The Cambodian election was a terrifying cliff hanger, with every success
followed by a setback.
Stateside RTE, Emmy Award - Stateside
Sep 1994
Two season magazine series commissioned by Irish TV profiling first generation emigrants across
America. Aired on Radio Telefis Eireann (RTE) in Ireland and broadcast on PBS stations across the
Aging UN, Emmy Award - United Nations
Aug 1997
Aging around the world. 50 minutes Documentary for the United Nations
Serious Comics: Art Spiegelman, Emmy Award - PBS
May 1995
Emmy-nominated thirty-minute documentary on New Yorker cover artist and Pulitzer Prize-winning
cartoonist Art Spiegelman- author of the searing two-volume graphic novel, "Maus." 1995 New York
Emmy Nominee.
I have been in the industry since 1988.