Key Visions Inc.
372 1/2 Pacific St.
Brooklyn, New York 11217
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Member Since 2010 | Views: 891
Kenny Gronningsater brings twenty-three years of motion-
picture, production experience to Key Visions Inc. and
Index Films LLC. His career spans the gamut of genres:
from TV news-magazine to documentaries to features. His
first foray into independent feature work was as a
Steadicam Operator for The Brothers McMullen (1995),
written and directed by Edward Burns. In 1999 he was
Director of Photography for Payday, a short dramatic film
starring Jimmy Breslin, Theodore Bikel, and Patrick Tull.
His cinematography on that project earned him a Finalist
Award at the 2000 New York Festivals, International Film
and Video Competition. He was Director of Photography on
E/Z (2007) and Murder Rhapsody (2003), full-length
features film written and directed by Alex Tana, his
partner with Index Films. Kenny Gronningsater co-directed
E/Z with Alex Tana. Other Camera credits include The Sound
and Fury, nominated for an Academy Award for Best
Documentary in 2004. Camera credits for documentaries that
aired on PBS are many: Old Enough To Do Time (1983- Public
Policy Productions), narrated by Daniel Travanti, received
an International Film and Television of New York Award, a
Silver Gavel Award, and was nominated for a national Emmy.
Health Care on The Critical List, narrated by Jack
Klugman, was awarded the Special Jury Award in the 1985
San Francisco International Film Festival. The Power
Struggle, narrated by Meryl Streep, won a Blue Ribbon at
The American Film Festival in 1986. Gronningsater
regularly works as a lighting cameraman for ABCs’
20/20,Primetime,and Dateline-NBC. The National Academy of
Television Arts and Sciences recognized his camerawork
(Emmy Camera Certificate of Recognition) on stories he
shot for the networks in 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1998. Kenny
Gronningsater is a member of the cinematographer’s guild,
IATSE 600, and NABET 16.
We have been in the industry since 1980.