About Me
Member Since 2010 | Views: 515
Studying the music business since 13, I have always been fascinated with the workings of music and the business surrounding it. I have also always been savvy to the digital age, growing up with a computer and always utilizing the internet's resources to find new and exclusive media. I always have had a desire to be part of the digital age and incorporate it with the entertainment industry.
I have always taken up a job in sales in some shape or form. Being able to sell myself and market myself in order to sell the product and service I was offering has always been the key. I have always been able to reach out to the right source and network of individuals to promote and market the product or service. I have then always been able to keep an organized list of contacts and leads and follow up to either maintain relationships or close the sale. My methods and techniques have proven successful and have made me a successful sales person. The combination of my sales ability and knowledge of the digital age makes me an excellent candidate for the media, production, and entertainment world.