Dondre Phoenix
Easton, Maryland
About Me
Member Since 2011 | Views: 259
Dondre' Phoenix does a variety of voice-over advertisements both locally and nationally. He also produce TV commercials and promos for ItzYourz WorldWide Media. Dondre' Phoenix has also taken his brand to the small screen with the cable-TV talk show, "ItzYourz TV". "ItzYourz TV" is a variety talk show that showcases, musical guests, events, entrepreneurs and engage in social commentary. "ItzYourz TV" can be seen on MCTV-15 (cable TV)and at it's official on-line site http://itzyourzradio.com/profile/ItzYourzTV
I have been in the industry since 1994.
ItzYourz WorldWide Media
Added on 9/20/2011
ItzYourz WorldWide Media does a variety of voice-over advertisements both locally and nationally. They also produce TV commercials, infomercials and promos.