Moving Picture Lighting: Miami / Fort Lauderdale
748 N. Victoria Park Rd.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304
About Us
Member Since 2011 | Views: 3,270
Serving Miami & Fort Lauderdale!
Whether we're providing a single specialty light, or delivering an entire grip truck, Moving Picture can tailor a lighting package to fit your project and budget.
Based in South Florida, Moving Picture has been renting equipment locally and shipping across the country and the Caribbean since the 80's. A-la-carte rentals are our specialty, so customize your order today!
Shooting in Florida, New York or the Caribbean? Moving Picture Lighting can staff your job too. With an in-depth network of experienced Grips and Gaffers, Moving Picture can put together a crew as well to handle your lighting needs.
Call Us. We'll Get it Done!
We have been in the industry since 1987.