Nnamdi Azikiwe
Silver Spring, Maryland
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Member Since 2011 | Views: 249
I have several years in television/film/media production coupled with over twenty years of information technology experience.
Started out learning 3D animation. Next thing I knew I bought a Sony Vaio and Camcorder and started editing what I shot. Years later a friend who is a professional actor convinced me to join him when he was being interviewed at the public access channel in Washington, DC. By the time I left I signed up for the Producing Class. Then came editing, Studio Production and Film Production classes. The big deal came when I got hired as a PA for Transformers in DC. After that came stints as a PA for other productions around town.
After a while some of the work I did for DCTV as an editor helped me get some local gigs editing video. One client asked me to serve as Associate Producer after I salvaged a project he had given up on.
When that was in the works I thought I would be able to leverage that into an ongoing career as an Associate Producer. Alas, it was not to be.
Although I have done some background acting my main focus is working as a member of a crew. Anything behind the scenes works for me.
I have been in the industry since 2003.