Working out of Rochester, New York, Chris Hart was the senior cinematographer for Kodak's Entertainment Imaging division for many years. In this position, he was responsible for producing and shooting short films used in launching every new motion picture stock that Kodak introduced since the late 80's. In addition, Chris has taught Kodak cinematography workshops for hundreds of students and industry professionals in over twenty countries around the world. During his years at Kodak, he gleaned a wealth of knowledge by rubbing shoulders with the world's finest photographic scientists and engineers. Currently, Chris is working for Steven James Media Group as a cinematographer and editor. He is available for project work not related to SJMG clients.
With his eye for well-designed lighting and composition, Chris creates consistently remarkable images. He has practical experience with many digital cameras including Red Epic, Arri Alexa, Sony FS7, and Black Magic Ursa Pro. Coupled with a good sense of humor and calm intensity on the set, Chris' work ethic as a cinematographer is a great asset to any production.
I have been in the industry since 1981.
King's Faith
Added on 7/14/2020
Feature trailer description: Brendan King is a foster kid who grew up on the wrong side of the law graduating from five-finger discounts and fights on the playground to drug-dealing and gun-running as a member of the multi-racial gang called Avenue D. Arrested in a federal raid when he was fifteen, and imprisoned for three years until his parole at eighteen, Brendan has found a relationship with God and with it he has turned his life around. Upon his release, he moves in with a new foster family and starts attending high school in an affluent suburb near the city where he grew up. But while he does his best to fit in and leave his turbulent gang life behind him, friends from his past find him and begin to threaten his new-found faith, family and future.
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