Sewra Kidane
New York, New York
About Me
Member Since 2012 | Views: 469
Sewra G Kidane is a New York City based, award winning Commercial Film Editor, with over 10 years of experience editing with some of New York City’s top advertising agencies, networks and heavy hitters in the music industry.
She can quickly assess a project and work independently or collaborate with creatives to produce a finely crafted finished project. Sewra has an innate ability in elevating the quality of footage whether its high budget beauty rushes, gritty digital handheld material, or found media and transforming it from a raw concept into a stylized spot.
Sewra adds flash in everything she does from the way she edits with frenetic cuts, mixed with a slow paced edit style, to her fashionable sense of style and eccentric taste in music. Her edit style has been described as a “ripple effect in a pond”… blending the internal rhythm within the frame with the external pacing of the montage, weaving media into a fluid, striking, immediate and memorable storytelling with a distinctive mood.
With the discipline and polish of a Creative Commercial Film Editor mixed with Avant-garde rawness, Sewra delivers the highest level of professionalism and finesse to all of her projects. Proficient in Avid and Final Cut Pro with solid experience using various video compression techniques, digital media file formats, color balancing, as well as digitizing and encoding video into multiple formats.
Creating stretches farther than creative editing for her. She is also an accomplished jeweler of her own jewelry line; www.waistbeads.com, specializing in artistry beading and contemporary waist beads; an ancient tradition of adornment. With beading, it helps her to stay on top of season trends as well as bringing her own style and mix into the design. Editing and beading go hand in hand, as one inspires the other to push forward. Waist bead designs, like edit cuts, start off as distinct separate elements, that in the end, come together to form a beautifully strung ensemble.
I have been in the industry since 1997.
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