Crimson & Clover Indie Film Project
1872 Foster Mtn. Ct.
Antioch, California 94531
About Us
Member Since 2012 | Views: 487
Crimson & Clover is an Indie Film about a whirlwind interracial romance that never stood a chance; riddled with modern racial tension, mental illness, hot sex scenes, betrayal, grunge n glamor. Connectively featured are period piece call-back scenes set in 1810 New Orleans, Louisiana.
Crystal Mitchell is a WGA Registered Screenwriter with a writing & performance background in Hip Hop/R&B and currently runs a new cosmetics brand "Crystalava HD Cosmetics". Crimson & Clover film project is inspired by actual events and historic and modern-day social issues surrounding interracial love and dating. As a bi-racial woman Crystal Mitchell is very passionate about the storyline and in creatively expressing the magnitude of this both intensely emotional and controversial topic.
The Crimson & Clover Indie Film Project will give back to aspiring Artists by featuring the work of Local Play Houses, Actors, Actresses, Musicians, Singers, Makeup Artists, etc...