I'm a Chief Photog, Editor & Production Manager at a National level News Network in Washington DC. Certified Drone Pilot, Experienced Cinematographer, proficient with toys like gimbals, sliders, cinematic lighting. Check out my work and see if you're feeling my style. Let's collaborate on some interesting projects. Open to side gigs or a competitive full time offer at a company that makes a difference in some way, shape or form. Proficient with team management, mentoring and onboarding new hires, managing production logistics, purchasing and relationship building with vendors and overseas factories, live shot logistics and everything else you can think of. As far as leadership, I've read dozens of books on leadership and striving to inspire in my daily's.
2023 DP Short Demo
Added on 12/23/2022
Just a short demo on some of my latest works. Open to working on interesting side projects or a competitive full time gig. I've shot hundreds interviews, from MOTs to high profile presidential interviews, as well as filmed and edited over a thousand of news packages, co-produced and supervised many more. My present role is that of Chief Videographer / Chief Editor (Basically Production Management + Team Supervisor and Lead)
Chief Production Manager –
Television – CBN News
Videographer –
Television – CBN News
Consulting, Producer, Production Manager – The Watchman Show
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