
Joseph Sweredoski

Centennial, Colorado


About Me

Member Since 2012 | Views: 401


My name is Joseph Sweredoski and I am an independent photographer and award winning filmmaker who just moved to Colorful Colorado from the Sunshine State. I am eager to find work in or around the Denver area doing what I do best: Video and Film production! To that end I am currently looking for a full-time video job that will make use of my comprehensive production skills (which include, shooting, editing, and producing), or collaborators that are looking to create high quality content and who are fun to work with.

I have over five years of experience in: Producing, Directing, Editing, and Script-Writing.

I have two years of experience in: Videography and Motion Graphics.

Outside of being a video content creator, my hobbies and interest include:

- Good pizza
- Great movies
- Terrible movies
- Hiking
- Douglas Adams Novels
- Terry Pratchett novels
- Cooking
- Coffee
- Welcome to Nightvale
- Comic books
- Settlers of Catan
- Weird local art events
- Nature Photography
- Museums

Whoever you are that is reading this, I look forward to working with you. Let's make some great content!

I have been in the industry since 2012.

Joseph Sweredoski: Producer
Added on 7/21/2012
Submitted for the approval of anyone looking for a professional producer.

Work with Joseph Sweredoski

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