
Robert "Bob" Sentell

New Market, Alabama


About Me

Member Since 2012 | Views: 856

Bob Sentell was born in July 1982 in Huntsville, Alabama and has lived in the area almost his entire life. The only exception to that was period of time when Bob served in the US Army as a broadcast journalist. During his four years of service, Bob was responsible for capturing the activities of our nation's finest in order to tell their story. Bob was also responsible for producing command information products such as music videos and information spots.

During his tour in Iraq, Bob became the Executive Producer of the on-base news service News Reel Anaconda. Under Bob's tenure, the news reel went from a newscaster standing in front of a barricade to a newsletter format where the host would visit different locations to provide a different perspective on soldier life. The momentum created from those changes allowed News Reel Anaconda to continue to expand even after Bob handed it off.

Bob has served as a member of the First Baptist Church TV Ministry as a camera operator for the 10:30 service and is currently serving as one of the TV directors for the 8:15 Early Service.

In 2009, Bob created the online persona of Commadore Bob to handle all of his video gaming needs. He has used that persona ever since. All of his online videos are done under that name.

I have been in the industry since 2002.

News Story on Church Carillonneur
Added on 7/30/2012
This is a story I did independently for my church. It looks into the background of our carillon player. This is done in the style of a ~90 second news package. There is no stand-up.

Work with Robert "Bob" Sentell

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