About Me

Member Since 2012 | Views: 514

I've been actively working in the comic book industry as both a cartoonist,and within video game development as a senior concept artist/storyboards,cumulatively now, for well over 2 decades.

As a cartoonist,I'd provided narrative art and covers for Marvel,DC/Vertigo,Dark Horse,and Image Comics ...and within video game development I'd provided sketched & painted designs for characters,creatures, and locations, as well as promotional paintings for a wide variety of shipped games,including: Thief:Deadly Shadows, Deus Ex 2, Gears of War, Neverwinter Nights 2,Star Wars:The Force Unleashed 2 and Mushroom Men.

comic book/narrative/sequential art/storyboards - character/creature/environment conceptual art

I have been in the industry since 1993.

Work with Frank Teran

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