Carlyn Davis Casting, Inc.
124 East Broad Street, Unit C-2
Falls Church, Virginia 22046
About Us
Member Since 2012 | Views: 2,017
DC/MD/VA's strongest Casting Team since 1992, and the "Go To" Casting TEAM for DC/VA/MD. Same day web casting. Nice Studio audition facility located 3 miles from DC. Film/Video/TV/Print/Radio/Web/Digital Casting. Resume available upon request but latest feature was "Don't Look Up" with Leonardo Dicaprio, Jennifer Lawrence (to name a few) and commercials AT&T, Hilton, etc. Largest on line talent database in the market. www.carlyndavis.com Serving all of MD, DC, most of VA and part of WVA. Principal/Dayplayer and background casting. 2024-Just finished a huge (and rush) job for Amtrak. Line Producer out of LA said "wished your team could cast all my jobs!"
We have been in the industry since 1998.