About Me
Member Since 2012 | Views: 109
I'M ready to shoot your next event!
I have over 30 years of experience as a freelance Videographer and Photographer, shooting and editing videos such as: underwater scuba videos and out door nature videos, Auto racing and Motorcycle races, multi camera events such as dance recitals, music videos, sporting events and weddings, B role, Day in the life videos, BTS (behind the scenes) . I personally own and operate a new Sony HXR-MC2500 solid state memory Camcorder and I also have a Sony HXR-MC2000 solid state memory Camcorder and both cameras can save videos out to a SD memory card. Both cameras have wide angle lenses for shooting multi camera events. Each camera has a external 7 inch HDMI LCD color video monitor. I own a Varizoom dual arm camera stabilizer system (steadicam).
Corel Video Studio Pro 2018 is my favorite editing program and I also use Adobe Premiere Elements, Adobe Photo Shop 2018. I own 3 full sets Limo studio Lighting with portable backdrop kits with capability of a 20ft long by 12ft tall chroma key green screen wall.
I can transfer your old 8mm and super 8mm home movies from film to digital format and will save it to a SD memory card using my Wolverine Movie Maker Pro machine it captures the film reel one frame at a time and saves as a MP4 digital movie file at 1080P/20fps (30fps optional) .
I can transfer your old VHS tapes to DVD and or a SD memory card using my Toshiba VHS to DVD dvr620 transfer deck.