
Charles Wilson

Wilmington, North Carolina

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About Me

Member Since 2012 | Views: 129

I am 3rd Generation TV, Grandfather VP/GM at WITN, mother and father at WTVD Durham, I was the Operations Manager at a full power broadcast TV station/production studio facility in the San Francisco market for the past 5 years.
I was educated in North Carolina and Florida with over 15 years of experience in all aspects of production and still keeping up with an ever changing market. Currently moved to and looking for work in Wilmington NC, wanting to start on the ground floor with a production company or back to studio operations at a production studio to help keep Wilmington on the map as a notable production area. I have done everything from designing, building and booking studios to working on the productions in them.
Please give me a call with any ideas you may have on work.
Charles Wilson

I have been in the industry since 1963.

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