About Me

Member Since 2013 | Views: 197

My name is Kevin, and I am freelance filmmaker with a particular love for creating images and telling stories. I'm currently based out of CT and NYC.
I adore meeting, working and laughing with creative people. Seeing the world through the eyes of others has always been a tremendous thrill.
I'm inspired by nature, love, nostalgia and dreams. I wish to seek out others that share the desire to create.
Below is a brief list of my personal experience, education and accolades:
*Event Filmmaker for 5 years - Visual Experts/Steven Fowler Films. Named one of the top 25 Event Production Studios in the world by EventDV magazine. visualexperts.biz/about/
*Bachelor's in Film Production from Keene State College
*Graduate of CT Film Industry Training Program 2012 - Concentration in Camera
*Teacher Assistant: Maine Media Workshops - Adv. Digital Cinematography
Keene State College - Intro to Video Production
*Select works have appeared on PBS and independent film festivals.
I desire work as, and am experienced being: DP/Cinematographer, Camera Op, 1st/2nd Camera, Digital Tech. Experienced shooting HDSLR, HD (Panasonic AF-100, Sony EX-3, Arri Alexa), Digital (DVX-100B, XL-2) and film (Panavision 35mm/Arriflex, Bolex 16mm)
Further footage, resume and references are available via my email or phone.
Thank you for visiting my page. I'd love to give you a high-five

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