About Me

Member Since 2014 | Views: 376

My name is Lafonso Brown. I'm a videographer, editor and motion graphics artist in the DFW area. I have a total of 8 years working in the industry. I graduated from the Art Institute of Dallas with a BFA in Digital Filmmaking and Video Production. Below is a link to my web site where you'll find my portfolio.

Portfolio: lafonsobrown.com

About Me:
I am a Navy veteran with over five years of Audio Video Production experience. In the military I learned to produce stellar work with minimal equipment in some of the harshest conditions imaginable. I advanced quickly becoming a supervisor and received several distinguished medals along the way. I've spent the last three years working on a variety of freelance video project. IE... commercials, short films, weddings, documentaries, etc. Currently I work at eWomenNetwork,Inc as a Video Production Specialist. There I do ENG and studio productions, managing web content, work with clients; and use the Adobe Creative Suite to edit, composite video, create motion graphic and visual effect.

At the Art Institute of Dallas I graduated with a 3.7 GPA, the highest grade point average in my degree program. I am proficient in all major editing programs on both Mac and PC. I shoot with a vast array of cameras inclusion Canon 5d Mark III, and Arri Alexa. I am skilled at creating custom motion graphics using After Effects. I.E. lower thirds, kinetic typography, visual effects, etc. I have a strong work ethic that motivates me to complete all project on time and to the best of my ability. If you are looking for the best, you've found your guy.

I have been in the industry since 2003.

Lafonso Brown Demo Reel.
Added on 7/15/2014
This will is comprised of video I shot and motion graphics and visual effect I created.

Work with Lafonso Brown

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