Ben Loggins
Wilton, Connecticut
About Me
Member Since 2014 | Views: 171
2D & 3D animation, visual effects, compositing and design for on-air, broadcast, film, and video games. Delivered multiple formats and outputs, toolkits and production-ready project files. Worked for clients creating: product advertising, theat- rical trailers and international marketing, broadcast show packages, video game cinematics, company ID, logo develop- ment, animation for film and television. Clients Include: Dreamworks, Fox, Blue Sky, Interlace Media, Audax Films, The Mill, Imaginary Forces, Blur Studio, Intel, Gannett, Zoic, Taylormade, Hyundai, Chromatic, Fox Sports, DIRECTV, NFL Networks, Adobe Systems Incorporated (previously Macromedia), University of California at San Diego, and Sapient, Inc.
I have been in the industry since 2004.