I graduated from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism with my master's degree. I specialized in advanced video, multimedia storytelling, and mini-documentary. I work as a video editor at Medical Daily shooting/editing/ and producing stories with our writers and editorial staff. I also worked for a live television station in Tallahassee, Florida. I’m an excellent one-man band.
You can view several of my video samples at hawkivproductions.com.
My professional equipment includes:
Canon Rebel T4i and T5i
2 high quality lenses
Rode shotgun mic
Senheizer Microphone
Additional high quality microphone.
Zoom H-6 recorder
Lighting kit, tripod, mono-pod, shoulder pod,
I have been in the industry since 2014.
Added on 7/11/2015
iFunding is a real estate crowd funding mobile application. Through this application people can easily crowd fund real estate properties from the convenience of your phone. Now iFuding is asking investors to invest in the expansion of the company. So far, they have raised over a million dollars and William Skelley tells the story of the company and its goals here. To see how much money iFuding has raised to date click here. crowdfunder.com/ifunding/invest
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