
Trent Watts - Boston

Boston, Massachusetts

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Member Since 2016 | Views: 1,490

As the son of a Boston Celtics champion, my dad (Ronny Watts) taught me the values of being a team player and practicing my craft. Now I have over 900 projects to my credit, such as documentaries for Netflix, Nat Geo, Showtime Boxing, and commercials/branded work for Amazon, Google, and hundreds more. In narrative work, my short film "Ro & the Stardust" qualified for the 2024 Oscars.

I'm is a storyteller and a practical craftsperson, and enjoy working within the constraints of every shoot to bring my collaborator's vision to life, to tell a powerful story (for doc/narrative) or deliver a strong message (for commercial/branded). I work hard to bring on crew who will contribute to a fun and professional set, and always try to foster a fun, collaborative environment where my clients, the talent, and the crew all feel empowered to contribute as artists.

I like big bold shapes, strong compositions, and saturated colors, with beautiful highlight and shadow roll-offs. My style as been described as "glowing" or "lush". But I'm a storyteller above all, and only fell into cinematography because screenwriting was too solitary. I'm inspired by the work of dozens of Cinematographers, such as the lush/glowing look of Dariusz Wolksi's early work (The Crow, The Fan, Crimson Tide), the hard backlights and glow of Janusz Kaminski (Jerry Maguire, West Side Story, Bridge of Spies), and the "storytelling-above-all-else" approach of Roger Deakins (Fargo, Big Lebowski, Skyfall).

Send me an email and say hi! trent@trentwatts.com

We have been in the industry since 2012.

Kaiser Permanente - "Iris & Doctor Anderson"
Added on 4/1/2024
One of about 30 healthcare testimonials I've DP'd for Kaiser Permanente over the last few years. The crew and I are a well-oiled machine now. 90% of the equipment was from me, with just a few extra HMI lights coming from the Gaffer. The crew I provided included 1st AC 2nd AC / B-Cam Gaffer Grip Sound Mixer HMU Artist 1st AD Wardrobe Stylist Art Director PA

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