About Me
Member Since 2023 | Views: 15
An accomplished Philadelphian Filmmaker working out of NY and LA, Devon began in film as an actor starting in major film and tv productions. His desires have expanded into other mediums such as music production as well as Producing and Directing Film.
Devon has been a professional music video producer for 8 years, producing commercially viable with the tightest of crews and budgets. He has a strong desire to take on any challenge, and execute at the highest level to tell meaningful, interesting and thought provoking stories like no other could, which makes him a perfect addition to your project.
After the birth of his second child, he shifted his gears to Coasting Thunder a production company launched in 2019. Currently Travis owns one of the only Camera Cars in the South and works as a Crane Operator on certain sets. He has a natural love for telling stories regardless of the medium, which makes him a diverse option for your project.
I have been in the industry since 2017.