Amglo Kemlite Laboratories
215 Gateway Rd.
Bensenville, Illinois 60106
About Us
Member Since 2000 | Views: 360
Specialty lamp and lighting manufacturer.
Amglo Kemlite Laboratories is a global manufacturer of specialty lamps and was established in 1935. It services O.E.M. equipment manufacturers and distributors in the fields of Aerospace lighting, Airfield lighting, Medical lighting, Vehicular lighting, Obstruction lighting, Railroad Lighting and Laser lamp industries.
The Amglo Company has lamp manufacturing facilities in United States and Mexico. The xenon lamp division is located in Bensenville, Illinois where it manufactures high powered quartz flashlamps while low power commodity xenon lamps and related assemblies are offered to customers from its Amglo Bravo facility in Juarez, Mexico.
Amglo’s halogen division in Largo Florida – manufactures specialty low voltage hard glass halogen lamps, quartz halogen and metal halide discharge lamps. It is also the primary design center for all Corporate Engineering and Lamp Research activity. Its fully equipped laboratory is capable of performing all necessary photometric and spectral measurements. Equipment for vibration and environmental tests are monitored daily and intended to replicate field conditions experienced by Amglo’s product.